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Our products
Wide range of additives masterbatch for polyolefin: tailor made and technically innovative formula.

Ultrabatch in the world

Diffused network of partners: local reference for customers.


We provide solutions for both agriculture and industrial applications through commodities and special products.


Plastic packaging is a daily companion of our life, to match the technology challenging that drive packing market, such as footprint reduction, food preservation, enhance pack integrity and aesthetical requirements.


The Spark that gave life to our idea of business, today Ultrabatch is the most valuable supplier for plastic in agriculture, such as Greenhouse film, tunnels film, Mulch, floating covers, silage, irrigation pipes and nets.


Commodities are daily needs of our clients, on that necessity we dip our roots. Ultrabatch has a portfolio of product designed to stand by our customers every day.


Specialties are products developed by our staff in collaboration with our customers. This is the job we love to do, creating innovative solutions to anticipate market trends, meet customer expectation and enhancing quality of final article.


Contact us to find a solution for your needs